NasBeery is a light weight NAS (Network Attached Storage) System,system, based on Raspberry Pi 4 and(or later that is thatnewer), easy to install and to fit Instructionsinstructions to a Taptap, andor even theoretically put the Systemsystem ininto a Cansoda can.
Feature Set Juli 2020 (Any values can be manually adjusted, just first Setup)
- Very easy installation with just two commands (one is downloading, the other for execution)
- Three
Monthmonth ofSnapshotssnapshots 4x per hour, 48x hourly, 7x daily, 4x weekly, 3x monthly - Mirror of two
Disksdisks - Very attractive GUI for setup
Sharesshares and ZFSCommandscommands - Restore
Filesfiles directly from „PreviouspreviousVersionsversionsFeature“feature“ in Windows Explorer - Clone a specific
Snapshotsnapshot from the last threeMonthmonths to aFolderfolder toinstantinstantly reviewDatadata - Instant
Rollbackrollback to any of the about 66Snaphotssnaphots without delay at anyTimegiven time - Every
Softwaresoftware is openSourcesource and included in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS andwithoutfreeanyofCostscharge - Production use is already a
Backup,backup, it´s mirrored and versioned - Compatible to any OS
aton theMarketmarket like Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Android, Linux, BSD,etcetc.